The Sweat Life
Sweating is not something I typically enjoy. It makes me feel icky, it ruins my makeup, it leaves me stinky and wilted. So when CYL Sauna Studio opened this past summer and invited me to come sweat it out infrared-style, I was admittedly less than enthused. But because I had heard about the great benefits and the gorgeous celebrities who swear by it (Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston and Marisa Tomei to name a few) I decided to give it a go.
First impressions mean a lot. There is EASY parking at The Sweat House (Hallelujah!) which means getting in for a session is stress free. The studio is immaculate: all white, bright and airy. Guests can choose a standard sweat session for 30 minutes or extend their time to 40 minutes. An attendant will guide you back to your private room and show you how to get inside your sauna pod which is basically a padded table covered in white towels with a sliding top that’s easy to crawl under and adjust. Again, I cannot stress to you how CLEAN everything is. When I think sweat I think smelly, dirty and germy. The Sweat House is the complete opposite; every time I go in for an appointment I feel like the place is brand new and I am the first one to visit. You can choose the heat level you want (I started at a 5 with my first sweat, now I typically sweat at a 7). The room is dark with soothing music in the background, perfect for relaxing. Doors can be locked for privacy, but don’t do it! Here’s why: at the half way point of your session, an attendant will place a cold, scented towel on your forehead and it is HEAVEN. It’s such a treat and it gives me the push I need to finish the sweat. #dontlockthedoor #dontdenythetowel
A good sweat made better by the heavenly “half way” towel.
So why sweat? And why infrared heat? Sweating is the natural way our bodies can eliminate toxins and stay healthy. Using infrared heat is the deepest and most beneficial way to sweat all the junk out; it’s 7 times more detoxifying than a traditional sauna. Benefits include pain relief, a reduction in blood pressure, improved skin and circulation, detoxification and help with weight loss. One 30 minute sweat can burn between 300 and 600 calories! I find a session allows me to turn my racing mind off for that 30 minute block of time, so I’m not only rejuvenated physically but mentally as well.
Sweat it out!
Ideally, I would sweat three days a week. It makes a huge difference in the way I feel over all. But even one sweat a week is beneficial. In the 5 months I’ve been going to The Sweat House, I have noticed marked improvements in several areas of my life and health.
Your own private room and sauna pod await.
SKIN : My skin literally glows. Yes, I do take care of my skin at home with different products and a regular routine. But infrared heat is proven to help with problem acne and there is nothing better than ridding your skin of impurities than from the inside out. On a personal note, I swear it’s anti-aging!
SLEEP: I have been on prescription sleep meds for years. Since I introduced sweating into my routine (along with dietary changes) I have gotten off my sleep meds and have found it far easier to relax at night. Not to mention the way it makes my muscles feel. After a sweat I feel like I had a gentle massage; so relaxed and such a release of tension. Walking out of the studio I feel light as a feather.
MENTAL HEALTH: Face it. We could all stand to unplug and unwind a little bit more. The dark, quiet half hour I spend at The Sweat House leaves me feeling calmer and less mentally cluttered. In my opinion you just can’t put a price on that. I will never be able to create more hours in a day, but by using a small segment of time in a way that benefits my body and my mind in such a soothing way, I come out with perspective and a sense of peace. It’s not just a sweat, it’s a mini meditation session!
Your first sweat is $30; from there you can purchase packages and keep an eye out for specials. Gift cards are also available. CYL Sauna Studio-The Sweat House is located at 215 S Lamar, Unit B, (512) 494-4800.